Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Look Who's Blogging Again!

I'm baaaaaaaack! Let's's been almost 9 months since I last blogged... which was coincidentally right around the time I broke my New Year's Resolution... again. At least I'm consistent!

So what's moving me to blog again, you say? Well I was bored this summer and decided while my daughter was away on vacation with my baby daddy, I would pick up an actual book to read... not a magazine, but a real book. I was at Target for my weekly visit (my favorite store) and found this book with a different looking cover. I tend to judge a book by its cover ya know... like you don't! It was an outline of a purple bra and pantie... with a title that spoke to me... "Such a Pretty Fat" by Jen Lancaster. She started out as a blogger and soon moved to writing her memoirs. Let me tell you... Jen is freakin' hysterical. She is my long lost sister... my alter ego and would love her to be my new bff! lol She says and does everything that I think and write about... but am too chickenshit to draw that much attention to myself.... or have people say "Look at the AFG (Angry Fat Girl!)" I wish I had just an ounce of her fabulousness and confidence!

Seriously, if you want to see what I'm talking about...pick-up her book and the 2 others she has written... "Bitter is the New Black" and "Bright Lights Big Ass." If you aren't quite sure you want to make a purchase yet... go read her blog - for free and I'll bet you'll be at Target buying her books!

So Jen... Thank you... (like she's gonna read this!) I'm getting back to what I enjoy... bloggin' my thoughts... and maybe, just maybe, one day soon I'll find myself to be just as fabulous!

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