Tuesday, January 25, 2011

In the Mood...

Where did it go?  I want to know?  I'm trying to figure it out.  I've checked the Lost and Found, but it's not there. 

No, it's not about sex, although... what I lost does have a negative impact on sex... or at least my desire to have sex.

I'm trying to figure out what exactly motivated me to lose weight over 10 years ago.  I had it...kept it for a few years, but now for the life of me I can't find it.

God had a lot to do with it when I began to lose weight... He also had a lot to do with my weight gain (I'll explain my theory later). 

My divorce and subsequent failed relationships (plural..yes!) all provided me with motivation.  But I don't plan on getting married and divorced anytime soon, or get a boyfriend to break up with me just so I can find motivation again.

I thought, instead of having another failed relationship, if I re-read the journal entries from those painful times, maybe I can find the motivation.  Nope, just made me cry, and I ate.

They say music can bring back certain feelings, so I have been listening to music from the late 90's early 2000's, hoping to find it.  I'm so glad NKOTBSB are touring!

I've rarely been off of any type of appetite suppressants... so that's not the motivation... It just keeps me from eating more than I am now; 

Maybe if I combine the diet pill with Atkins or Sugar Busters diet that worked in the past... but I can't bear to eat all of the meat and cheese again.  Not to mention the lactose intolerance I've developed over the past ten years... so that is definitely NOT a motivation!

This past week, I've had two separate experiences that reminded me of the past.  One was a reunion of sorts with my best friend and her ex-husband, the couple that introduced me to my ex-husband.  Seeing them together was weird... no, it was disturbing.  I had a very, VERY brief moment thinking about my ex... then I began to nauseous....  Being nauseous does a body good... at least I didn't have the desire to eat!

The second experience was about two of my one-time close friends who were going through their divorces at the same time.  We used to hit the clubs... partied, sexed it up...  We describe this time as "our crazy time".  Those are long behind us.  Both have remarried.  One I keep in contact with, but not frequently as we used to, and the other, well, let's just say, she hasn't spoken to either one of us in almost 5 years.  Well these women met for dinner over the weekend and the one woman who I have kept in contact with, called to tell me about it and told me to expect a phone call/email from her... eventually.  Whether she calls or not, or if I am the one to reach out as I have been tempted to do so in the past, it got me thinking about those "crazy times"... Dancing...men.... sex... all motivation to keep losing weight.

I believe it was that motivation that was my downfall.  While God gave me the strength to begin the weight loss journey, the devil took control.  I think God said "Listen here Missy... You may have such a pretty face, but your mind and body are doing things that I don't approve...so let's just add 50 lbs back on you and start all over again!"

So here I am God...  I'm in the mood.... for Your Grace.  I promise to try and get it right this time!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I shaved yesterday.... Not just my armpits, but my legs (including my big toe) AND my girly parts.

Why is this significant? Well, I don't know about you, but when my weight is up, I don't take care of anything below my pits. I'll get my hair cut/colored, eyebrows groomed, do my make-up...and of course, shave my pits. Yes, I wash my entire body because I'm not that gross, and I lotion up after bathing, but I do it quickly, not spending time to carefully rub it in to my skin.

I don't want to look at my body, and since I don't want to look at it, I'm certainly not going to let someone else look at it. Therefore, I don't need to shave. I'm too big for any of my skirts and I don't wear dresses, so I don't need to shave. I can't afford pedicures, so I don't need to shave. I haven't had sex in forever, so I don't need to shave.

I used to shave everyday... EVERYDAY. I loved my fit body. My legs looked great in skirts. I got pedicures every other week and I was having sex...all the time. I kept myself in a GTF state. When going on a date with someone new, my friends and I would ask the question... "Did you shave?" If we didn't want to let the night turn into a walk of shame the next morning, we didn't shave. I think we secretly all shaved...even when we said we didn't.

While shopping with my daughter last weekend, I realized just how long it had been since I last shaved. I was wearing jeans and began feeling a tug that with each step got more and more painful and I could do nothing about it until I made it to the bathroom. My pubes had gotten so out of control they were getting caught between my undies and jeans!

So yesterday, I took out a new razor and began shaving. It took a long time...because I took my time. I had to use scissors to trim the length of my bush... but now it's all neat and tidy again.

I have to learn to let go of my disgust over my body. It is what is is and hating myself isn't going to provide the right, long-lasting motivation to change it. Ignoring my body, isn't making it go away or making it smaller. Paying attention to it and treating it well just might be the spark I need to get the fire burning again... in all areas!

So here's to keeping it smooth......

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Brain Fart and Facing Fears

I couldn't remember my password. It seems to be happening more and more. I try to keep the same password for just about every account...from email, bills, Facebook, etc. but for some reason I forget and generate a variation and next thing I know, I can't remember which variation I'm using.

So the past few days have not been the best for dieting. First, my daughter's birthday and the 72 cupcakes with butter cream frosting... homemade thank you very much... I ate so much frosting that I'm pretty sure my poo with be royal blue anytime soon!

Then I broke one of my front teeth. I'm terrified of the dentist, so much so that my teeth are in horrible condition despite having decent dental insurance that I pay for monthly, yet rarely use. My fear is so bad, that I'm embarrassed to say, I have rarely taken my daughter. I know, I know, bad mom, but thankfully, she doesn't have any cavities. Vanity (i.e. broken front tooth as opposed to cracked molars that are not seen) is what made me grit my teeth and go see a dentist. Actually, I faced some of my fear last month when my daughter needed to have a wisdom tooth pulled. It's not just the pain that I'm afraid of, it's also the cost. They send in the car salesman, otherwise know as "dental health coordinator" to try to up sale their products that of course are not covered by insurance and then makes you feel like crap when you say no... I had one lady tell my "well then you get what you paid for!" Another snot told me, in the midst of my divorce and struggle to keep a roof over mine and my daughter's head: "I'll put the 8 veneers (at $800/ea) in your treatment plan even though I know you won't get them." Word of caution... always... ALWAYS obtain the procedure codes and verify costs with your insurance BEFORE receiving the treatment. They were going to charge me $250 for extract the wisdom tooth. They didn't like that I called them on the carpet. I fortunately have a new dental office and I was very pleased when I went in yesterday. Yes, I have a lot of work that needs to be done, but I am proud that I faced it and getting the work done. I have 2 temporary crowns on my front teeth (the other was in equally bad shape) and they filled cavities on the other 4 top teeth, that in the past would have cost me a lot because at that time it was considered cosmetic to replace the existing fillings. Guess my fear of the dentist save me some money! I'll ease into the other work in the coming months. And I promise to take my daughter in too... she needs braces and I don't want her to have them on when she takes her senior pictures in a few years.

So despite the dental work, I still managed to eat my way through some of the remaining birthday party snacks. I must learn to not put food in mouth when fear strikes...or stress...or boredom...

On top of these two issue, I had a shortage of funds the week before her birthday. I screwed up my checkbook and had bills that had to be paid. So I had to charge some of them. Add the $280 in dental work yesterday, the $205 cheer sweats for my daughter that is due by March...ugh! Oh yeah... I haven't been getting child support for 2 years because my ex has been unemployed...yes, I know I have rights and I've been nice trying to keep the peace...but I'm done being nice. He can afford to pay something since he has no house payment and gets $1900 a month in unemployment. I downloaded the court paperwork, the sh*t is going to hit the fan.

My goals for this year... eat healthier, exercise, get on top of my finances, and get my teeth healthy. I have a lot on my plate... I just need to make sure I leave some of food on it and not put it in my mouth!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Take That!

Ok... so the first day back to work in 2011 and what do they have scheduled? A Potluck! A freaking potluck! Are you kidding me? Why? Don't they know it's the first real day for diets? Apparently not... I didn't partake in the festivities. I kept thinking about how I did not want to negate the workout I did last night and have all the pain I'm feeling be for nothing! Not to mention how unappetizing it is to have food sitting out since 8am waiting to be eaten at 12pm. Although.... food poisoning would be a great way to lose some weight! So I stuck with my salad.

I came home and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, but didn't do Kettleworx. I need the extra day in between workouts for muscle recovery. I'll work up to doing it everyday. I do need to get rid of the mixed nuts... said that before, yet several handfuls made it into my mouth tonight. I need to remember to brush, floss and rinse my teeth after eating dinner so I'm not tempted to eat.

So my next post, I'll layout my goal and reasons why I chose this goal this year. So take that diet saboteurs... potluck... not so much!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So it's 2011... 1/2/11 to be exact. I'd thought it would be too cliche to start writing again yesterday. Actually, I was just too tired. Seems to be my MO lately. I'm in a rut....bored with my life and tired of making excuses for it.

I had an opportunity to go on a road trip for New Year's Eve...spontaneous is not me lately. So I made the excuse that I was not feeling well...which I wasn't, but not bad enough to stay in bed. So what did I do... sat on the couch watch, Back to the Future and BTTF2, had a drink, smoked several cigarettes, watched the ball drop at midnight, a promptly went to bed.... alone.

I'm not exactly alone... I have a daughter who'll turn 15 Friday, and two cats, a several awesome friends. Still, I don't have a man...not that I want one right now... but I don't even feel the "hope" of having a man.

It's the typical reason most women feel the way I do... I got fat... again. I have no clothes cute enough for travel...let alone a date. I feel and look like crap. So as I typically do this time of year, I resolve to get my shit together and get my life back.

I bought Kettleworx yesterday, and today, my daughter and I popped in the first dvd. It kicked our butts. My legs feel like jello. I kept my eating in check except for the mixed nuts which I must get rid because I can't stop a just a serving. I hope I can get out of bed in the morning! But I vow to do it again tomorrow and walk on my treadmill.

So here I am... again. No more excuses. It's a new year and it's time to get Back to the Future!
