Monday, January 3, 2011

Take That!

Ok... so the first day back to work in 2011 and what do they have scheduled? A Potluck! A freaking potluck! Are you kidding me? Why? Don't they know it's the first real day for diets? Apparently not... I didn't partake in the festivities. I kept thinking about how I did not want to negate the workout I did last night and have all the pain I'm feeling be for nothing! Not to mention how unappetizing it is to have food sitting out since 8am waiting to be eaten at 12pm. Although.... food poisoning would be a great way to lose some weight! So I stuck with my salad.

I came home and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes, but didn't do Kettleworx. I need the extra day in between workouts for muscle recovery. I'll work up to doing it everyday. I do need to get rid of the mixed nuts... said that before, yet several handfuls made it into my mouth tonight. I need to remember to brush, floss and rinse my teeth after eating dinner so I'm not tempted to eat.

So my next post, I'll layout my goal and reasons why I chose this goal this year. So take that diet saboteurs... potluck... not so much!

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