Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New.... Day!

Yeah for 2008. 2007 is over... some good times and some bad... but it's over! Funny what transpires in us at 12:00am January 1st isn't it? It's as if in a single second, life is once again anew. This year I'm saying that everyday is January 1st... or at least treat everyday as if it were the start of something new!

I'll be quick on this post... I'm tired and have to return back to work in the morning after being off on the only vacation I took in 2007! Hmmm... need to reassess that don't you think!

My goals for this year are to lose 40 lbs and have the tummy tuck and breast augmentation I've been planning for the past year. I will blog my progess towards the surgery - tentatively planned for the end of June. I'll post before pics and measurements for tangible aids towards my goal.

So I have less than 6 months to lose 40 lbs. I will lose the weight by working out 5-6 days a week (either at the gym or at home) and eating healthy. I must succeed at losing the weight in order to have the surgery in June.

So 1 day down... and a lifetime of good health to go!

Good night and remember... tomorrow is the start of something new!

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